" I can say without a doubt it has made a tremendous difference in my life”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Robert, Diagnosis – Traumatic Brain Injury
 I suffered a traumatic brain injury when I was 19 years old. I have searched low and high for answers in traditional Western medicine but have found none. I have spent months in New Orleans, Louisiana to do hyper-baric oxygen therapy with a leading TBI specialist doing experimental therapies for TBIs. I have also tried working with an alternative medicines specialist. He gave me all kinds of supplements and drugs with no success. To make matters worse, my Harvard educated neurologist believes that I have the signs and symptoms of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or more commonly referred to as CTE. This she believes, stems from my playing youth and high school football and suffering many smaller concussions starting at the age of eight.
I have travelled to Mexico to receive stem cell therapy three times. I can say without a doubt it has made a tremendous difference in my life. The proof is in the fact that I am writing this essay. Prior to receiving stem cells, I couldn’t manage the pain and mental confusion well enough to go to school. Now, the pain has lessened and my brain is less hazy, and here I am typing away. Also, I look younger than my actual age. I am thirty and every time I tell someone that they are surprised and tell me I do not look thirty. This is a positive side effect of the stem cells. Keep in mind that I have been a big time drug addict for most of my adult life. Look at most recovered drug addicts, they do not look the way that I do. Again, stem cells. Another form of evidence that I have is the scar on my chest from my open-heart surgery. I have keloid scarring meaning that my scar was all puffy and red. My cardiologist even commented that I had a particularly nasty scar. Now that is not the case, my scar is no longer puffy and deep red but rather lighter in color and much flatter. Chest hair has even starting to re-grow at the top of my scar, which is pretty amazing.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting 

"The changes in Louis have been miraculous”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Louis, Diagnosis - Brain Damage

“The changes in Louis have been miraculous. Here is a list of the progress we’ve seen in him since he was treated.
In general, Louis has become much more aware and is able to understand what is said to and asked of him. He anticipates activities when he is told what is going to happen, and for the first time in his life he has started to smile. Seeing that sweet smile brought tears to our eyes.
His breathing is much more normal. He breathes more deeply and without noise from the fluid buildup in his throat, and now rarely needs to be suctioned. He is also handling his secretions better by coughing up mucus. His reflexive pupil response to light is now perfect, whereas before his pupils were fixed and dilated.
He can now eat one full jar of baby food, he swallows more consistently, and he is finally able to close his mouth around a spoon. His bowel movements are much more regular as well.
He has much better head control now and is even able to hold his head up when he is carried. He is starting to move his left leg, and he is able to purposely grasp things with his left hand as well. His right hand, which had become rigid and closed, has now released.
- In her next letter, Louis’s mother wrote:
Louis has remained very healthy, without any sign of infections. Before the stem cells, he would become sick very often. Another big development is that the Baclofen pump has been dramatically reduced without any return of his painful muscle spasms. He can now understand simple commands; as a result, he’s become much more vocal. He laughs out loud, and his breathing is so much better that he can blow a horn.
He is beginning to be able to oppose his left index finger and thumb in a pincher grip. He’s able to roll over from a supine position all by himself, and he gives me huge hugs. He now has the ability to under-stand complex commands and is displaying an increased range of emotions and is engaged socially He has more likes and dislikes and is able to express them. He is more interested in and aware of other children, and he is also developing a sense of humor.
The physical improvements are continuing, too. He is growing taller and gaining weight. In addition, his scoliosis has improved by 40 percent!
My son, who was supposed to remain emotionless and motionless, he is now crawling around like crazy and is constantly happily laughing out loud.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

"Mommy, I'm not spasming anymore”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

“Within just a few hours after my son Allan was treated, I was virtually levitating with excitement because of the many miracles I was seeing.
For the first time in his life, my sweet little boy was able to take reciprocating steps. Usually he drags both feet together when he's in his walker. But minutes after the fetal stem cell shot, he was able to take regular steps in his walker with his feet flat on the floor. In the past he always stood on tippy toes and couldn't place his feet flat on the floor.
He even stopped having spasms. It brought tears to my eyes when he said to me "Mommy, I'm not spasming anymore”. Then he began to show off a bunch of his new skills.
He could move his wrists and hands in circles. He took a paper and pen and started to draw circles for the first time!
He was able to move his arms and hands effortlessly. His body was relaxed and his adductors were loose.
All through that first day and night he proudly showed us all the new things that he was unable to do, just the day before.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

You can use stem cell therapy as a possible treatment of lupus

While there are many long term treatments for some diseases, the problem with diseases like epilepsy and lupus is that they don’t necessarily have the same level of treatments that offer real results. This can lead to many frustrating situations where you feel like you are doing all that you can to combat a disease, while it continues to get worse. Similarly, some medicines might work, but they make you feel terrible, meaning that you have a trade-off between feeling bad and treating your disease, and finding another option that may not exist.

If you haven’t considered it yet, you might want to think about stem cell therapy for the treatment of lupus. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that is seeing ongoing research for the interesting developments that it has made with a variety of diseases that had once been classified as not having any other options available. Stem cell therapy is being researched to see its ability to serve as an option or those seeking treatments for epilepsy, among other things, and one of the best parts about it is the fact that it doesn’t have a lot of negative side effects. In fact, the procedure only lasts one hour and is completely painless as well.

If you are looking for a great way to explore alternative treatments for your disease, then you should come talk to our team at Stem Cell of America. We can walk you through the therapy and explain some of the benefits for you. Visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more.

Stem cell therapy may offer alternatives to traditional treatment for lupus and more

If you are suffering from a serious disease like lupus, then you may be concerned by the fact that there are seemingly few options to really mitigate the conditions. Major traumas and degenerative diseases can have this affect, and it can be a very frustrating situation to find yourself in. You may have exhausted all of the best options for the treatment for lupus, so what do you do at that point?

Stem cell therapy might offer a solution. There are a few different reasons for this, but they all go back to the way that stem cell therapy works. Stem cells are injected into your body during an hour long, pain-free process, immediately putting the therapy above many therapy options for major diseases and traumas. Over time, the stem cells move throughout your body and begin to heal damaged cells and tissue, which can have a major impact on the progression of a disease. When it comes to major traumas, this healing can help you feel better and improve your recovery faster, which is extremely important in particularly long recovery traumas like spinal injuries.

Stem Cell of America has been working to improve the lives of its patients for over two decades, and we can help you understand the benefits of stem cell therapy for your particular need, whether that is lupus, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or something else entirely. Learn more about us by visiting our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com. 

How tem cell therapy can help with brain injury treatment and more

When it comes to complex diseases and traumas, many of the traditional treatment options still rely on older and slower methods of fixing these problems. This is particularly true in major injuries to your body, like brain injury treatment, where slow and steady change is the de facto choice. While this is still an effective method of treating these types of injuries, it’s not the most comfortable thing to have to live through, and it can be particularly frustrating if your expectations are divorced from the reality of that recovery.

One of the things that you can do in these situations is begin to seek out alternative treatment options that can help speed up that recovery. While it will still take a long time, new treatment options like stem cell therapy offer the potential to speed up that recovery process and allow you to see real gains in a smaller period of time.

The most interesting thing about stem cell therapy in particular is the range of different options it allows for treatment. You will see that stem cell therapy is being explored for injuries, as a treatment for Parkinson’s, and much more. This is because of its unique mechanism of action in the body, which allows it to provide benefits to a wide range of different patients and diseases instead of a small subset. If you’re looking to explore stem cell therapy further, then you should visit the website of Stem Cell of America at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more about how this exciting new therapy may help you.

Stem cell therapy offers exciting new options for the treatment stroke

When you or a loved one has suffered a major accident or injury, or had a stroke, one of the most difficult parts about the process is the loss of the ability to do things that need to be done day to day just to survive. These aspects of life that now need to be handled by someone else can put a major strain on families, and they can be extremely frustrating above all else. If you find yourself in the situation where you have been injured or had a stroke, or someone that you love has, and you are looking to find a way to improve your situation, then you might want to take a look at stem cell therapy as a potential option for the treatment stroke and serious injury.

Stem cell therapy today is being explored to help treat a variety of injuries and diseases, and is being actively explored as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, which is an exciting and novel use of stem cell therapy. This wide range of options for treatment is due to the way that stem cells work, by being able to move throughout the body and heal many different cells and tissues, regardless of where they are in the body. After a stem cell treatment, patients can see ongoing improvement over time as stem cells work to heal their body from the inside while boosting their own recovery capabilities. You can learn more about this process and how it might be able to help you by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com.

You can use stem cell therapy as a possible treatment of lupus and more

While there are many long term treatments for some diseases, the problem with diseases like epilepsy and lupus is that they don’t necessarily have the same level of treatments that offer real results. This can lead to many frustrating situations where you feel like you are doing all that you can to combat a disease, while it continues to get worse. Similarly, some medicines might work, but they make you feel terrible, meaning that you have a trade-off between feeling bad and treating your disease, and finding another option that may not exist.

If you haven’t considered it yet, you might want to think about stem cell therapy for the treatment of lupus. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that is seeing ongoing research for the interesting developments that it has made with a variety of diseases that had once been classified as not having any other options available. Stem cell therapy is being researched to see its ability to serve as an option or those seeking treatments for epilepsy, among other things, and one of the best parts about it is the fact that it doesn’t have a lot of negative side effects. In fact, the procedure only lasts one hour and is completely painless as well.

If you are looking for a great way to explore alternative treatments for your disease, then you should come talk to our team at Stem Cell of America. We can walk you through the therapy and explain some of the benefits for you. Visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more.

Dramatic improvement in social skills - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Margaret is another of Stem Cell Of America patients. She attended a special Montessori school for children with autism and other cognitive disabilities. Margaret’s condition was so severe that neither her parents nor her teachers knew for sure if Margaret was even aware that she was in classroom with other children. She made no eye contact with anyone, just sat listlessly at her desk or acted out with inappropriate behavior.
- Her mother wrote:
“Despite countless hours of educational therapy and biomedical intervention in an attempt to get my daughter to express any type of language skills, there was zero improvement. Margret’s learning basically did not improve at all for about five years.
This went on from the time Margaret was three years old until she turned eight, when her parents brought her to Stem Cell Of America.
A few days after her first fetal stem cell treatment, Margaret began to utter a few phrases. A number of weeks later, her teacher phoned Margaret’s mother and was in tears because of how excited she was. That day, Margaret had stood up from her desk to walk over to each child in her class. She greeted each one of them by name, saying, “Hi, my name is Margaret.”
Margaret then went up to her teacher and introduced herself, also greeting her by name. Her teacher was astonished. Until that moment, the teacher and Margaret’s parents were convinced that she had no awareness of anyone else in the classroom, let alone their names. Her teacher said the other children were “ecstatic.” She then told Margaret’s mother, “This has been the most promising, wonderful day that I’ve had in six years!” Since that day, Margaret plays with and relates to her classmates like any normal child.
- In a follow-up letter to me relating Margaret’s progress, her mother writes:
Today Margaret took her teacher’s hand and turned to her class-mates. “Let’s go, guys,” she said, and began to lead her teacher toward the door to the playground. Her teacher allowed her to do so in order to see what Margaret was going to do. At the door, Margaret looked up at her and said, “I just wish I could pick my favorite friends and tell them, ‘Let’s go out and play!’”
Margaret is now soaking up knowledge like a sponge. The fact that she can now sit with her classmates and take spelling tests with her own list of words is like a miracle. Her teacher had tried to teach Margaret to write and spell for five years without any success. Now she scores 100 on almost every spelling test!
Equally dramatic is the improvement in Margaret’s social skills. She has begun to “hang out” with her favorite girlfriends from school, and has been invited to a number of birthday parties and two social outings—one to the mall and the other to go swimming. This would have been unthinkable before her stem cell treatment.
- Two years later, when Margaret turned ten, her mother wrote another progress report. Margaret and her family had gone to a resort for a vacation:
We were dining and I arranged for Margaret to sit either at my table or to sit with her teenaged brother and his friends. To my surprise, Margaret decided she was going to sit at the table with the girls her age. She walked across the crowded dining room and sat and ate like a little lady, without supervision. I don’t think I was ever as proud of her as I was at that moment!
Just for you to understand the full significance of this, I should add that many of the women I have befriended who have children with autism have told me that they have become increasingly isolated over the years, unable to socialize due to their children’s behavior in public.
Finally, I want to add that Margaret is now showing that she feels hurt when she has done something to displease me, and showing great pride and happiness when she does something that I compliment her on.
I can truthfully say that because of my daughter’s stem cell treatment, she has come out of her own world to be an active, loving participant in ours.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

SCA has helped thousands of ailing patients - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

“This clinic is anything but a scam. Of course treatment like this cannot guarantee a cure but over time they have helped thousands of people ease their suffering. I’ve spoken with Dr Rader and can personally attest to the expertise of him and his medical team.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

“Both my husband and I are thrilled with the results” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: John
Diagnosis- Primary Lateral Sclerosis
“I can’t tell you how thrilled both my husband and I are with the results of the fetal stem cell treatments my husband has received. Approximately six and a half years ago John received the diagnosis of primary lateral sclerosis PLS, a rare neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness in the voluntary muscles. His doctor told us that there was nothing that mainstream medicine could do for him. Thus began our research into alternative treatments.After researching and trying several different avenues, we had a rather serendipitous meeting with a couple whose child had received fetal stem cell treatments and his condition was improving immensely. Without the fetal stem cell treatments, he most likely would have died from his condition.John has now received two fetal stem cell treatments over a one- year period. Not only has the PLS ceased to progress, but the improvement in his gait, fine motor movements, and speech has been nothing less than miraculous.Needless to say, the fetal stem cell treatments have offered us hope in an arena where there was little and more quality of life than John had ever hoped to regain.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Her physicians have never seen a result like this - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Leah
Diagnosis: MS
“In November 1999, I awoke to find I could not move the left side of my body. My left arm and leg were not working and I had chills in my body. A friend took me to a neurologist (I knew him from previous years at which time he had diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.) By evening, he was in my hospital room telling me that I had multiple sclerosis and though it was often a hard disease to diagnose, this was a clear case. That was that!So after a month and a half in the hospital and rehab hospital, I tried to resume my life. But I was weak and in pain, incredibly nervous and crazy from huge amount of prednisone, (steroids did NOT work for me.) I was unable to think clearly, unable to continue to work, barely able to walk, and totally exhausted. I could just be “up” and functioning for a couple hours a day. I most often had nystagmus, a neurological condition in which my eyes would wobble and make it extremely difficult to read and track words on a page. Depression – I should say so.I went to MS specialists in leading teaching hospitals and tried all the recommended drugs. Interferon did NOT work for me so I went on Copaxone, a daily injection. From there I looked for integrative doctors and nutritionists to see what they had to offer. I was given incredibly valuable information and still follow a good diet and supplements but it wasn’t enough to make a real difference to give me enough of my health or life back. Many tried to chelate metals from my body but the chelating drugs were too harsh for my sensitive and broken body.I was extremely fortunate to find and work with a wonderful integrative M.D. who knew you and had sent other patients with diseases, left unanswered by allopathic medicine, to get the stem cells. During an appointment, I was describing the difficulty of my current existence and he said to me, “you have a progressively debilitating disease I suggest you get stem cells.” As I heard the words, a part of me knew what I had to do. “Can the cells hurt me?” I asked him as I thought this was the bottom line, and he answered that he strongly believed they could not and he told me why. I began my own research, spoke with patients who had received the cells and became convinced that they were effective for neurological illness and immune function.In May 2003, I received treatment. I had an amazing reaction. Within a very short time, my spasticity was much reduced and that in itself gave me more energy and a better disposition. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to have that much pain and tension in your body. My brain fog was lessening and my dizzy spells happened with less frequency. I still walked with a cane, although I needed it less and less over time. Some days more than others but always wanted it just in case. The weakness in my left side was still there but as I began to exercise more, my balance and strength has truly improved. I do not use a cane today, have good balance and my nystagmus no longer happens. I am so grateful for every improvement I’ve experienced.One year later, I had my yearly MRI taken by my neurologist, a distinguished and dedicated physician. I had not told him what I had done as I knew he would disapprove. It was his job to stay within the realm of the medicine he knew, and my job to heal myself. He entered the room and said, “I don’t know what you’ve done, but your MRI shows lesions fading or faded. We have not ever seen a result like this.” I let out a big “YES!” but said nothing more.After a period of a very inward orientation, it is time for me to communicate and be part of the world again and it is an important part of my life to share my experience. There are so many of us suffering in silence and seclusion that need the help of therapy that has been considered “out of the box,” or just ahead of its time. This therapy made a big difference in the course of my physical health and life. I offer my experience with the hope that it will help to change another’s life.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Improvements noted right away - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Sam
Diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis
“September 21/13 - Treatment Day
Improvements noted right away:
.Eyes looked brighter
.More coloring in my cheeks
.My neck felt really good! Even before the MS diagnosis, my neck was stiff. With the MS, my neck was REALLY stiff. I have massage, acupressure and chiropractor work done regularly on my neck. As well, I exercise and stretch my neck many times per day. The stiffness in my neck was gone. Since my walking and balance did not improve (yet!!), it is natural to strain the neck to prevent from falling. I will continue the work on my neck so that it stays limber.
.No hands “falling asleep” feeling. The position of my hands while sleeping cause my hands to “fall asleep” within minutes. I tested this many times and never did have the falling asleep feeling!
Week 1
.Talking with Terrie on the phone on Sept 24/13, she commented that my voice/speech was clearer.
.Had a massage on Sept 26/13. The therapist noticed my body had improved. The left hip did not have the range of motion that the right hip had. The neck rotation was really good. There were already a couple of knots starting to form on the neck - probably due to fear of falling. The shoulders were in good shape. Anywhere that was tight, reacted to the massage by loosening up quickly. The therapist also noted that my speech was clearer - better enunciation.
.Had a chiropractor appointment on Sept 27/13. The chiropractor said she could not believe the ease of rotation in my neck. She said “If she had not seen it herself, she wouldn’t have believed it.” She also noticed that my left hip was looser than my left. Also noted that my speech was clearer.
.Mind appears clearer. Thinking pattern is faster.
Week 2
.Friend helped me down the 3 stairs at her house. She commented that I was less “wobbly”. I have felt confident enough to use the walker inside the house less often.
.I noticed my body feels “looser” - not as stiff.
.Something I did not expect - 3 fingers in each hand hurt (I think it is arthritis). No longer any pain!!
.Many comments that my speech was better - clearer, faster and less hesitancy.
.Swim instructor noticed I was more stable on my feet, body moved smoother (not as jerky) and not as rigid (stiff). She also noted I moved with more confidence in the water and my upper body, neck and shoulders, looked more relaxed.
.Friend noticed I was moving smoother and quicker.
.Had an acupuncture appointment on Oct 3/13. The doctor noted my spine and hands were not stiff. Have never seen this in the 7 years I have been going for acupuncture. She recommended I get the fetal cell therapy each year.
.Had a doctor appointment on Oct 4/13 for a drivers medical. The doctor noticed that my eyes were brighter. She put on the drivers medical form that I was doing really well. Three years ago, my 5 year drivers licence was taken away, and I was given a 1 years licence and had to go for a road test. At the 1 year renewal, after a drivers medical, I was given a 2 year licence. Today, at the drivers renewal, I was given a 5 year licence (due to the doctor comment that I was doing so well).”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

“You would never know that he had the disease.” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Damien
Diagnosis: MS
- Damien’s mom wrote:
“To look at Damian now you would never know that he had the disease. He is so very happy and full of energy.
Three years ago before he was treated, he was extremely weak and would complain that he wasn’t able to play with the other children because he felt so tired all the time.
He had great difficulty climbing stairs and would have to use his arms to pull himself up the stairs.
Also his speech was unclear. He would talk, but completely unlike he is now, at that time it was extremely difficult to understand what he was saying.
That was then. This is now:
He will go in his room and stack toys as high as he can. He will then climb on them as far as he can go and then jump down. If the toys crash, Damian will fall and get up and laugh and repeat the stacking again.
He goes swimming every Friday. He is very active in the water. He swims underwater and he is able to easily do every aquatic exercise they can think of for him to do.
In the park Damian climbs to the top of the jungle gym and announces to everyone watch me, watch me.
He is foot over foot when he easily goes up the stairs.
He is continuing to grow in height and weight.
His teacher at school tells me she is impressed at how well he is doing academically.
His confidence & self esteem has improved 100%. He feels his is able to do anything. He tells us that he is now a “big boy ”.
He brings home all of his school assignments each day and after he finishes them he shows us proudly how he completed them.
In Summary: Damian is a completely different child. His quality of life has improved 100%.
I find it hard to put into words how proud we are of our happy well adjusted little boy.
Thank you so much!”
 - Karen Spicer
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

“The savings on diabetic supplies are showing up!” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

“I am a 71 year old man. I have a few medical problems- kidney ,heart ,and the longest one is diabetes for 27 years, insulin dependent 4 times a day. sugar highs and lows, and mood swings, but no answers anywhere except dialysis. Research lead me to stem cell. Further research lead me to Stem Cell of America there system seemed to make more sense as we dug deeper. I was skeptical and at my age unsure but my wife and I decided to try, so on March 21 2015 we had treatment, and after 4 weeks went for an eye exam. The eye problems was having were gone and I had no signs of diabetes in eyes. I never gave it a thought of stem cells working, until 2 weeks later when I took a blood sugar test and did not require insulin. As of this letter, now some 33 days later I have not taken an injection. My blood sugar levels are great average 6 to 8 . I might add the savings on diabetic supplies are showing up. We are very new to stem cell treatment but so far we are amazed and we just know it will keep working on my other areas. Thanks again to all staff at Stem Cell of America.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Traumatic brain injury treatment

If you are thinking about stem cell therapy today, whether for traumatic brain injury treatment or something else entirely, there are a few things that you might want to know about first.

Stem cell therapy is becoming extremely popular for the treatment of different diseases and traumatic injuries, and it is being well received in many areas of medicine like in traumatic brain injury treatment. This is because of the mechanism by which stem cell therapy works, which is to go through your body and help treat a number of different cells and tissues, while also boosting the healing ability of your body as well.

The reason that it is able to do this is because stem cells are cells that cannot only create but also repair a wide variety of different cells within your body. This can happen all over your body as well, which is why they are used for things like spinal cord injuries that are otherwise difficult and frustrating to recover from. They can also be used in things like the treatment of epilepsy, along with the treatment of many other diseases that can be extremely frustrating and degenerative. While stem cell therapies aren't necessarily a cure all, they do offer a very interesting treatment option for many. If you would like to learn a little bit more about stem cell therapy, then you can visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com .

stem cell therapy as a solution for Parkinson treatment

The treatment of something like Parkinson's disease is something that has been research for a long time now. This is because it's a disease that, as of now, has no known cure. While a cure has not been found yet, there are a number of options available to help manage the disease in a better way than has been previously found. One of the most interesting new areas of Parkinson treatment has been stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy is an extremely interesting area of medicine today, particularly because there are a number of areas where it can be used and has been used for things like treatment for seizures. In fact, one of the reasons why it's so exciting for many people is directly because of the fact that it can be used in so many different areas. That being said, there is a lot of misinformation about stem cell therapy today which needs to get cleared up for anyone who is looking at the therapy as a potential treatment option.

One of the key pieces of misinformation that many people hear about stem cell therapy is the fact that it is painful. This is not the case with advanced stem cell therapies, as the therapy is a painless, short procedure. Lasting only an hour, stem cells are injected into your body, where they go about helping to heal and treat your condition. If you would like to learn more about stem cell therapy as an option for a condition that you have, you should visit  www.stemcellofamerica.com .

What does the current stem cell research say about its treatment benefits?

Many diseases and traumas can be extremely difficult to manage on your own. One of the big reasons for this is due to the fact that a serious trauma like a brain or spinal cord injury can take an extremely long time to heal. In addition to the general issues around healing a major trauma like this, it's important to remember that these traumas can also be extremely frustrating as well. This frustration can lead to delayed recovery times and other issues. In addition to the delayed recovery, a major trauma can cause a huge range of problems for families and friends of those who are suffering from this type of issue.

One way that you can potentially help to speed up this process is by looking into stem cell injections as a form of therapy. These injections are great way to help with a major trauma, and they have also been used on many degenerative diseases as well. While the current stem cell research is ongoing, some of the things that have been found so far are extremely promising for the use of stem cell therapy to treat a wide range of different diseases.

One of the reasons that stem cell therapy can be used for so many different types of diseases is due to the fact that stem cells are able to heal a wide range of cells and tissues in your body. On top of that, they also help promote your body's own healing power. To learn more, visit www.stemcellofamerica.com today.

Why stem cell therapies are great for Alzheimer’s disease treatment and more

When it comes to degenerative diseases, it can be extremely difficult to plan a treatment program that will really make a difference in the life of someone who is suffering from the disease. Degenerative diseases are very similar to major traumas as well, in that they are extremely impactful to a person's life, and they can cause a huge amount of frustration and stress not only to the person who is affected but also to their family and friends.

When it comes to treatment of those diseases and traumas, little progress has been made to find definitive options for things like Alzheimer's treatment. Fortunately, many people are turning to new forms of therapy like stem cell therapy that continue to show some progress and promise in these areas of treatment for degenerative diseases and major traumas.

They are able to help in things like Alzheimer's disease treatment because of the way they interact with your body. After an hour long, painless procedure where stem cells are injected, they will move throughout your body and help to promote healing of both cells and tissues throughout your body. Not only do they promote this type of healing, but they also help boost your body's ability to heal itself. Patients may see improvements over time to their condition, and because of the way that stem cells interact with your body, they are being used on a number of different types of diseases and traumas. To find out more about this, you can visit www.stemcellofamerica.com.

What you should know about stem cell therapy in traumatic brain injury treatment

If you are thinking about stem cell therapy today, whether for traumatic brain injury treatment or something else entirely, there are a few things that you might want to know about first.

Stem cell therapy is becoming extremely popular for the treatment of different diseases and traumatic injuries, and it is being well received in many areas of medicine like in traumatic brain injury treatment. This is because of the mechanism by which stem cell therapy works, which is to go through your body and help treat a number of different cells and tissues, while also boosting the healing ability of your body as well.

The reason that it is able to do this is because stem cells are cells that cannot only create but also repair a wide variety of different cells within your body. This can happen all over your body as well, which is why they are used for things like spinal cord injuries that are otherwise difficult and frustrating to recover from. They can also be used in things like the treatment of epilepsy, along with the treatment of many other diseases that can be extremely frustrating and degenerative. While stem cell therapies aren't necessarily a cure all, they do offer a very interesting treatment option for many. If you would like to learn a little bit more about stem cell therapy, then you can visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com.

Do you want stem cell therapy as a solution for Parkinson treatment?

The treatment of something like Parkinson's disease is something that has been research for a long time now. This is because it's a disease that, as of now, has no known cure. While a cure has not been found yet, there are a number of options available to help manage the disease in a better way than has been previously found. One of the most interesting new areas of Parkinson treatment has been stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy is an extremely interesting area of medicine today, particularly because there are a number of areas where it can be used and has been used for things like treatment for seizures. In fact, one of the reasons why it's so exciting for many people is directly because of the fact that it can be used in so many different areas. That being said, there is a lot of misinformation about stem cell therapy today which needs to get cleared up for anyone who is looking at the therapy as a potential treatment option.

One of the key pieces of misinformation that many people hear about stem cell therapy is the fact that it is painful. This is not the case with advanced stem cell therapies, as the therapy is a painless, short procedure. Lasting only an hour, stem cells are injected into your body, where they go about helping to heal and treat your condition. If you would like to learn more about stem cell therapy as an option for a condition that you have, you should visit www.stemcellofamerica.com.

Thankful for the staff at Stem Cell of America - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Steve
Diagnosis- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Last Treatment Date- 6/17/2016
Steve wrote: “I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, my RA factor was 889. I am a very active 61 year old man that loves to ride my Harley, play golf and work in my yard. We went to several specialists and they put me on a ton of meds, all of which I was told that had side effects which could cause cancer.
Needless to say I was very afraid of the medicines, but I could not walk, dress myself, feed myself, I prayed at night and would say, “Lord if you want me take me tonight I’m ready”, that’s how bad I was suffering. I was in a wheelchair. I would sleep in my recliner because I couldn’t get in my bed.
After months of research we found Stem Cell of America, what a blessing, our Consultant was very helpful with loads of info, NO HIGH PRESSURE SALES just good info.
June 17 2016 I was in a wheelchair. When we got to the S C A Clinic I was very happy to see how clean the clinic was and how professional the doctors and nurses were. I went through the procedure. On June 18 my wife and I walked through Old San Diego for 4 hours and I was amazed.
All of my family was happy to see the ole Steve back to his happy ways.
I feel great and very thankful to the staff  Stem Cell of America.Thank you for calling and caring, I great to know that people like you and your company really care about people that are seriously ill. Your call caught me while I was working in my shop, sounds crazy right, working in my shop, just three months ago I was praying for my death because of the pain I was in, and now I feel like my old self. Thank you again for caring.P.S. I really talk to a lot of people about Stem Cell Of America, God bless y'all.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Continuing to improve each day - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Daz 
Diagnosis -Autism, Treatment Date - 6/18/16
“Daz is continuing to improve each day. We are just at the three month mark since treatment but have had some exciting advancements since then. I will list them in point form as that seems to be the most concise.
1.Post treatment (about 36 -48 hours) while staying with friends out of town, his enunciation improved from the point that- on Friday our friends were still having trouble understanding him- to him being clearly understood Sunday morning.
2. Many friends throughout the summer have said that he is much more engaged when in conversation with them. He is maintaining eye contact better and adding relevant comments to the conversation.
3. He is much calmer and has had a huge reduction in supplements since treatment (down about half) and I will begin further reductions this fall. The goal being no supplements beyond what is typical (vitamins and digestive enzymes) by year’s end.
4. Behaviors for the most part have all but disappeared
5. Daz has always been gifted with computers and maps but now it has improved again. He is currently in a bit of a battle of wills with a friend of ours who is a computer programmer. Daz has his own laptop but has limited access to the internet. Various sites and access’ have been blocked with only a hidden back door for programming being left open. Within 12 hours of the block being put on he had found the new back door and had once again accessed the internet freely. At last count the blocker before he was in had said 9000 attempts.  We have changed this and will see how long it takes for him to find the new hidden back door.
6. As indicated in the previous comment he is quite brilliant with computers. It should be noted that during the entire time he was looking for that back door (including the 9000 attempts) he did not get upset in any way. He just methodically continued to try and find a way in, which he eventually did. He is persistent, determined, and not easily frustrated to the point of being upset. At least with this task! LOL
7. Daz is improving greatly with his self care skills as well. He is in many ways a typical 12-13 year old boy and prone to being lazy on occasion.
8. His speech also continues to improve with complete sentences being used often and the syntax improving to being correct often as well.
9. School has commented that he is very engaged this year and continues to work very hard. His progress is remarkable. Aids have commented that he is not the same kid who was there in June. Remarkable improvement over the summer.
10.   His teacher has also commented that out of the children in her class this year he is her favorite.
11.   Daz is kind, caring and empathetic. Many other children continue to be drawn to him. This is has always been the case but even more so now that he is easier to engage and be friends with.
12. One of the biggest improvements at home is the ease with which he transitions from one task or activity to another. I only have to tell him once to do something and he is often following instructions by the time I even finish asking. There is no issue with shutting off the computer or going to bed. This is a great relief for Mom and Dad!
13. Our family vacation to come and have the treatment done was a pleasure. We were unsure how he would do but honestly none of us wanted it to end or come home!
I hope this gives you a good idea of how he is doing and what has improved since June. We will keep in touch and continue to update you on a regular basis.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Treatment epilepsy

Your brain is an extremely important part of your body, and what it isn't working properly for any reason it can really have a dramatic impact on your lifestyle. This is particularly seen in some new diseases that cause serious problems with people today: epilepsy and Parkinson's disease being just two of the examples out there today.

When one of these diseases affect you or someone that you care about, it can seem like there is not a lot to do. Beyond traditional treatment options, what else do you really have?

One option that is getting more and more focused recently is the use of stem cells in treatment epilepsy, a newer therapy that shows a lot of promise. Similarly, you have seen some research into the positive use of stem cells in the treatment of Parkinson's disease as well.

What this means for you is that you now have a few different options when it comes to the treatment of major diseases like Parkinson's, and at Stem Cell of America, we have worked to develop a stem cell therapy program that is effective, painless, and quick. After we inject the stem cells into your body, they go to work repairing damage done to your body, but also promoting increased healing from the cells and tissues within your body as well. This is been shown to effectively improve the situations of many that have found their lives to be otherwise affected by disease or trauma. If you're looking to learn more, you can start by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com .

Alzheimer’s disease treatment with stem cells

One of the most difficult things to deal with is a disease like Alzheimer’s. This type of disease can cause a huge number of lifestyle problems, and the biggest problem is that the Alzheimer’s disease treatment that you might be using could be effective at mitigating symptoms, or it could feel like it’s useless. This is a particularly difficult and frustrating position to be in, particularly because you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to treat this disease.

Many people find themselves in similar issues, whether they are dealing with a disease like Alzheimer’s or epilepsy or they have experienced a major trauma that has had a dramatic impact on their lifestyle and that of those around them.

Stem cell therapy might provide an answer, or at least a way to improve your condition. Stem cells have been used in more and more research lately, and this is linking them to a number of potentially beneficial treatments, like the treatment for epilepsy. If you are thinking about stem cell therapy however, you want to make sure that you get the right type of treatment for your needs, and that means going to a trusted treatment center like Stem Cell of America. We can help you assess your options and our stem cell therapy is quick and painless, two things that can really help to mitigate any anxiety over the therapy. Find out more about stem cell therapy and our firm by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com.

What stem cell therapy can do for the traumatic brain injury treatment

One of the most difficult aspects of any trauma is the immediate impact that it has on your day-to-day life. Things like a traumatic brain injury can be immediate, or they can occur over time, but the impact on your life can be very severe. This is similarly true for diseases like epilepsy or Parkinson's disease that cause major issues in this area as well.

Stem cell therapy might be able to provide a solution for anyone who is looking for a novel alternative for traumatic brain injury treatment or the treatment of epilepsy. More and more research is coming out every day to support the benefits of stem cell therapy, and the reason that it is so applicable to a variety of diseases has to do with the mechanism for its effectiveness. Another reason that it is so popular is because of the relative ease of the treatment, which consists of a one-hour long, painless therapy procedure.

Just because the procedure to inject the stem cells is relatively easy, doesn't mean that the results aren't worth taking a look at. Once stem cells are injected into your body, they travel throughout the body to promote healing in a variety of ways, but they also help to supercharge the cells and tissues in your body to heal themselves as well. At Stem Cell of America, we have designed a therapy procedure that is focused on effectiveness; find out more about us by visiting our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com .

What effective stem cell therapy does for Parkinson treatment

If you're afflicted with a sudden diagnosis of a major disease like Parkinson's disease, or you have experienced a major trauma, one of the most difficult aspects of this type of diagnosis is the extent of impact it has on your day-to-day life. Both you and your family are required to make a lot of changes in order to simply maintain a normal lifestyle, and with diseases like Parkinson's disease the effects can become gradually worse over time.

Stem cell therapy offers a unique option for those who are seeking help with a major trauma or who are looking for something specific like Parkinson treatment. In recent years, more and more research has been done around the use of stem cell therapy to help treat a variety of diseases and other traumas that cause significant impact to your lifestyle. The mechanism for this type of therapy is relatively simple. Stem cells are injected into your body through a quick, painless procedure, and afterwards they move through your body helping to promote healing both immediately and over time. This is why there has been research into the efficacy of this type of therapy across a variety of different diseases and traumas, including for treatment for seizures .

If you are looking for more information about this type of therapy, or want to see what your options are, one thing that you can do is visit www.stemcellofamerica.com . We have been focusing on stem cell therapy in patients for years, and had developed a simple treatment plan that may be able to help.

How stem cell therapy can help with treatment epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease

Your brain is an extremely important part of your body, and what it isn't working properly for any reason it can really have a dramatic impact on your lifestyle. This is particularly seen in some new diseases that cause serious problems with people today: epilepsy and Parkinson's disease being just two of the examples out there today.

When one of these diseases affect you or someone that you care about, it can seem like there is not a lot to do. Beyond traditional treatment options, what else do you really have?

One option that is getting more and more focused recently is the use of stem cells in treatment epilepsy, a newer therapy that shows a lot of promise. Similarly, you have seen some research into the positive use of stem cells in the treatment of Parkinson's disease as well.

What this means for you is that you now have a few different options when it comes to the treatment of major diseases like Parkinson's, and at Stem Cell of America, we have worked to develop a stem cell therapy program that is effective, painless, and quick. After we inject the stem cells into your body, they go to work repairing damage done to your body, but also promoting increased healing from the cells and tissues within your body as well. This is been shown to effectively improve the situations of many that have found their lives to be otherwise affected by disease or trauma. If you're looking to learn more, you can start by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com .

You can get Alzheimer’s disease treatment with stem cells

One of the most difficult things to deal with is a disease like Alzheimer’s. This type of disease can cause a huge number of lifestyle problems, and the biggest problem is that the Alzheimer’s disease treatment that you might be using could be effective at mitigating symptoms, or it could feel like it’s useless. This is a particularly difficult and frustrating position to be in, particularly because you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to treat this disease.

Many people find themselves in similar issues, whether they are dealing with a disease like Alzheimer’s or epilepsy or they have experienced a major trauma that has had a dramatic impact on their lifestyle and that of those around them.

Stem cell therapy might provide an answer, or at least a way to improve your condition. Stem cells have been used in more and more research lately, and this is linking them to a number of potentially beneficial treatments, like the treatment for epilepsy. If you are thinking about stem cell therapy however, you want to make sure that you get the right type of treatment for your needs, and that means going to a trusted treatment center like Stem Cell of America. We can help you assess your options and our stem cell therapy is quick and painless, two things that can really help to mitigate any anxiety over the therapy. Find out more about stem cell therapy and our firm by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com.

“Our outlook for the future has changed for the better” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

ALS Patient: Anait
- Anait’s daughter wrote:
My mother, Anait, is 57 years old and she was diagnosed with ALS in 2001. Within a year of diagnosis, she had overall muscle weakness and her speech was affected. She also had poor balance and was dragging her feet while walking. Her symptoms were progressing rapidly. At first, she started noticing a difference with her speech. It was soft and slurred. Then she started noticing weakness on her arms and hands. Lastly, her legs became weaker and she was having difficulty walking.
In 2002, my mother received the fetal stem cell treatment. After the treatment, she started feeling better overall and the progression of her symptoms slowed down. For a few years following the treatment, she was still able to do most things on her own. She was able to dress herself, brush her teeth and take a shower. She was still walking with assistance and had fairly good use of her upper body.
It’s been 13 years since her diagnosis and my mother is doing much better than expected. She can only take a few steps with assistance and needs help with most of her ADL’s but she’s still able to talk and communicate with others. She’s able to swallow and eat solids. Her entire attitude and outlook for the future has changed. Her condition has been pretty stable.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Burst into tears because of no pain - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Fran
Diagnosis- Lupus
“This is a review of my day – the day of treatment. I was having a lot of pain in my left knee, left arm and all through my body. The staff was great and we got started. An IV bag of fetal cells was put into my body and 4 small injections in my stomach. I am from NC and Phillip Rivers the QB for San Diego had a game here Sunday and with a positive attitude I purchased a ticket to go knowing it would have to be near a miracle for me to walk around a big stadium. I went to school with Phillip when he was at NC State. My story prior to this was a major car accident in 2012 and had 4 back and spinal surgeries and hip and knee replacement. Was bed ridden for on and off for 2 years. Then High Blood Pressure and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and I thought life was over for me. I did research for years about fetal stem cells but it is illegal in U.S. Finally I contacted your company and I felt hope for the first time. We made arrangements and here I am. Now back to IV, it took about 1 hour and it was over. I stood up to walk and burst into tears because for the first time there was no pain. It was an emotional afternoon with such happiness. I went to the football game walked around the Gas Lamp district and ate dinner and got a massage.I have hope in my life now and it has been a long time since I felt that.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

“My legs no longer cross. The hip abductors are starting to get stronger.” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Hughes Syndrome Patient: CC

Diagnosis- Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) or Hughes Syndrome, Last Treatment Date-1/23/16:

“The nerves to initiate the leg coming up with the knee bent has started to work. It is not very strong & at times the therapist my have to cue it, but It is starting to work. Before the therapist & I would really struggle to get me to step up on the first step & now we do this with little effort. I can get my leg about half way up on the stair. Once there I am able to step down on my own. I wish there was a way to make my hips even stronger. Right after my treatment I had 2 separate Physical Therapy Evaluations. Kaiser recommended physical therapy 5 days a week. After 5 weeks of pool therapy 2x a week I showed increased strength. Walking in the pool with the walker was difficult at 1st. My legs kept crossing, we had to use a ball between my knees. I was stiff & had a lot of difficulty moving. Today I can stand with the walker & transfer. I walk 40 feet to the bed. I am in the pool 2x a week for 1 hour. I am walking with bent knees picking up my legs with a bent knee & walking. I can almost get on the first step of the pool. I can step down from the step. My legs no longer cross. The hip abductors are starting to get stronger.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Dramatic positive changes in epilepsy patient - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Carol
Diagnosis: Epilepsy
Three months after Carol’s treatment, her mother wrote this progress report:
“The effects of the stem cells have given us new hope. Carol’s cognition has noticeably improved. She is listening and responding to others better and able to follow instructions much like any other normal healthy child. She’s also able to sit still and wait patiently when she has to, something that she could never manage before. Her appetite has noticeably improved. Since she received the stem cells, she has also begun playing appropriately with her brother, and overall she is acting more mature.
Carol’s neurologist not only confirmed the positive changes we have seen in Carol, but said that they were “obvious and dramatic.” He decided that it was no longer necessary for Carol to be on her seizure medication, so now she is off all of her medication.
Since then, though Carol still experiences an occasional seizure from time to time, they are far less in number and much reduced in their severity, to the point where they are almost unnoticeable.
After all that we have endured trying to get help for Carol, I can say without any hesitation that it is the fetal stem cells that have made such a difference. With everything else we tried, the benefits were minimal at best, and fleeting.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Mentally very quick, and his comprehension is awsome - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Luca
Diagnosis: Down Syndrome
Luca’s mom wrote:
“Luca was born with Down Syndrome. He was a typical Down Syndrome baby both physically and mentally.When he was 7 months old he received his first fetal stem cell treatment. Within 24 hours he was a completely different child. It was as if a light switch was turned on. Fe became very alert and active.Prior to going for the treatment, if you would call his name he would not pay attention. Now he would whip his head around and look directly at you. He also was not even remotely close to sitting and within one week he was sitting independently. His therapist at the time was shocked she said in all the years of doing therapy it was something she had never seen before.His understanding of the world around him began to show remarkable positive changes.Then to my amazement he started to change physically. His tiny ears grew to normal size and position. The flatness of his forehead, nose, and the back of his neck all became rounded. Also his eyes became more parallel.His IQ was tested and it showed above average. To date he is mentally very quick and his comprehention is awsome. He is also speaking with remarkable articulation.All of these qualities makes my heart soar because I was constantly told by doctors that he would never develop normally. Instead we get complemented frequently on how outstanding and “charming” he is. The doctors tell me they have never seen such remarkable changes in a down syndrome child and ask me “what are you doing with Luca to have him doing so well, you must be spending hours a day in therapy?” and I always say “I do not spend hours with him in therapy we do fetal stem cell therapy”.You gave our family hope when all I got from other doctors were negative statements on how Luca would never develop normally. Because of you and stem cells, Luca continues to do wonderfuly. He is the same as his peers socially, physically and mentally.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

No comparison to this clinic - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

”There is no comparison to other US-based clinics, Stem Cell of America is lead by the best fetal stem cell research team in the world. This is the best way to go about getting this treatment and save lives!”

- Charry G.
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

Took his health to a higher level - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Longevity and Anti-Aging: Marty
“I am an extremely healthy, vital sixty-three, almost sixty-four, year old man. My hob-by is ballroom dancing and I have danced on par with men who are decades younger than me for quite some time.
I wanted Fetal Stem Cell therapy because I recognized that Stem Cell of America of-fered me an opportunity to take my good health, and my dancing, to a higher level. I could quite literally start turning back the clock of aging. Nothing is a substitute for a long, healthy, happy life.
Specifically, I’ve noticed the following improvements:
• My near vision has dramatically improved since the treatment. About one month after I received the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I was surprised and delighted to see that I could easily read all numbers of the gauges on the dashboard without peeking around the edges of my glasses. 
• I breathe more easily. I could just tell that my lungs were somewhat impaired and breathing was not as easy as before. About two months after receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I took a deep breath before rising out of bed one morning and was amazed to notice how deeply I could breathe. My lungs had achieved a greater capacity and I was able to inhale a greater volume of air. 
• Improvement in an old football injury that has been with me since high school. One of the joints in my right thumb had been damaged during a scrimmage and has bothered me ever since. Very quickly after receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I noticed some improvement, less pain. Around two months post-treatment, I realized that I had not given the injury a thought for days. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been aware of it. It had healed to the point that it was a much smaller part of my consciousness.
• I performed in two dance recitals recently. One took place two and a half months pri-or to receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment and the second took place three months afterwards.
Videos I’ve viewed of both show clearly that I am moving in a much more sound, bal-anced fashion in the second performance, even though I had much less opportunity to practice with my partner due to her pregnancy. I now feel that I have a new lease on life. I now see the possibility of getting older without the limitations we call “the aging process”.
I highly recommend Fetal Stem Cell Treatments to all as a way to experience life with more ease and energy, and for a much longer period of time.”
- Marty
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com