" I can say without a doubt it has made a tremendous difference in my life”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Robert, Diagnosis – Traumatic Brain Injury
 I suffered a traumatic brain injury when I was 19 years old. I have searched low and high for answers in traditional Western medicine but have found none. I have spent months in New Orleans, Louisiana to do hyper-baric oxygen therapy with a leading TBI specialist doing experimental therapies for TBIs. I have also tried working with an alternative medicines specialist. He gave me all kinds of supplements and drugs with no success. To make matters worse, my Harvard educated neurologist believes that I have the signs and symptoms of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or more commonly referred to as CTE. This she believes, stems from my playing youth and high school football and suffering many smaller concussions starting at the age of eight.
I have travelled to Mexico to receive stem cell therapy three times. I can say without a doubt it has made a tremendous difference in my life. The proof is in the fact that I am writing this essay. Prior to receiving stem cells, I couldn’t manage the pain and mental confusion well enough to go to school. Now, the pain has lessened and my brain is less hazy, and here I am typing away. Also, I look younger than my actual age. I am thirty and every time I tell someone that they are surprised and tell me I do not look thirty. This is a positive side effect of the stem cells. Keep in mind that I have been a big time drug addict for most of my adult life. Look at most recovered drug addicts, they do not look the way that I do. Again, stem cells. Another form of evidence that I have is the scar on my chest from my open-heart surgery. I have keloid scarring meaning that my scar was all puffy and red. My cardiologist even commented that I had a particularly nasty scar. Now that is not the case, my scar is no longer puffy and deep red but rather lighter in color and much flatter. Chest hair has even starting to re-grow at the top of my scar, which is pretty amazing.”
Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting 

"The changes in Louis have been miraculous”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Louis, Diagnosis - Brain Damage

“The changes in Louis have been miraculous. Here is a list of the progress we’ve seen in him since he was treated.
In general, Louis has become much more aware and is able to understand what is said to and asked of him. He anticipates activities when he is told what is going to happen, and for the first time in his life he has started to smile. Seeing that sweet smile brought tears to our eyes.
His breathing is much more normal. He breathes more deeply and without noise from the fluid buildup in his throat, and now rarely needs to be suctioned. He is also handling his secretions better by coughing up mucus. His reflexive pupil response to light is now perfect, whereas before his pupils were fixed and dilated.
He can now eat one full jar of baby food, he swallows more consistently, and he is finally able to close his mouth around a spoon. His bowel movements are much more regular as well.
He has much better head control now and is even able to hold his head up when he is carried. He is starting to move his left leg, and he is able to purposely grasp things with his left hand as well. His right hand, which had become rigid and closed, has now released.
- In her next letter, Louis’s mother wrote:
Louis has remained very healthy, without any sign of infections. Before the stem cells, he would become sick very often. Another big development is that the Baclofen pump has been dramatically reduced without any return of his painful muscle spasms. He can now understand simple commands; as a result, he’s become much more vocal. He laughs out loud, and his breathing is so much better that he can blow a horn.
He is beginning to be able to oppose his left index finger and thumb in a pincher grip. He’s able to roll over from a supine position all by himself, and he gives me huge hugs. He now has the ability to under-stand complex commands and is displaying an increased range of emotions and is engaged socially He has more likes and dislikes and is able to express them. He is more interested in and aware of other children, and he is also developing a sense of humor.
The physical improvements are continuing, too. He is growing taller and gaining weight. In addition, his scoliosis has improved by 40 percent!
My son, who was supposed to remain emotionless and motionless, he is now crawling around like crazy and is constantly happily laughing out loud.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

"Mommy, I'm not spasming anymore”- STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

“Within just a few hours after my son Allan was treated, I was virtually levitating with excitement because of the many miracles I was seeing.
For the first time in his life, my sweet little boy was able to take reciprocating steps. Usually he drags both feet together when he's in his walker. But minutes after the fetal stem cell shot, he was able to take regular steps in his walker with his feet flat on the floor. In the past he always stood on tippy toes and couldn't place his feet flat on the floor.
He even stopped having spasms. It brought tears to my eyes when he said to me "Mommy, I'm not spasming anymore”. Then he began to show off a bunch of his new skills.
He could move his wrists and hands in circles. He took a paper and pen and started to draw circles for the first time!
He was able to move his arms and hands effortlessly. His body was relaxed and his adductors were loose.
All through that first day and night he proudly showed us all the new things that he was unable to do, just the day before.”

Read more Stem Cell treatment reviews and testimonials from patients at Stem Cell of America by visiting http://www.stemcellofamerica.com

You can use stem cell therapy as a possible treatment of lupus

While there are many long term treatments for some diseases, the problem with diseases like epilepsy and lupus is that they don’t necessarily have the same level of treatments that offer real results. This can lead to many frustrating situations where you feel like you are doing all that you can to combat a disease, while it continues to get worse. Similarly, some medicines might work, but they make you feel terrible, meaning that you have a trade-off between feeling bad and treating your disease, and finding another option that may not exist.

If you haven’t considered it yet, you might want to think about stem cell therapy for the treatment of lupus. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that is seeing ongoing research for the interesting developments that it has made with a variety of diseases that had once been classified as not having any other options available. Stem cell therapy is being researched to see its ability to serve as an option or those seeking treatments for epilepsy, among other things, and one of the best parts about it is the fact that it doesn’t have a lot of negative side effects. In fact, the procedure only lasts one hour and is completely painless as well.

If you are looking for a great way to explore alternative treatments for your disease, then you should come talk to our team at Stem Cell of America. We can walk you through the therapy and explain some of the benefits for you. Visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more.

Stem cell therapy may offer alternatives to traditional treatment for lupus and more

If you are suffering from a serious disease like lupus, then you may be concerned by the fact that there are seemingly few options to really mitigate the conditions. Major traumas and degenerative diseases can have this affect, and it can be a very frustrating situation to find yourself in. You may have exhausted all of the best options for the treatment for lupus, so what do you do at that point?

Stem cell therapy might offer a solution. There are a few different reasons for this, but they all go back to the way that stem cell therapy works. Stem cells are injected into your body during an hour long, pain-free process, immediately putting the therapy above many therapy options for major diseases and traumas. Over time, the stem cells move throughout your body and begin to heal damaged cells and tissue, which can have a major impact on the progression of a disease. When it comes to major traumas, this healing can help you feel better and improve your recovery faster, which is extremely important in particularly long recovery traumas like spinal injuries.

Stem Cell of America has been working to improve the lives of its patients for over two decades, and we can help you understand the benefits of stem cell therapy for your particular need, whether that is lupus, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or something else entirely. Learn more about us by visiting our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com. 

How tem cell therapy can help with brain injury treatment and more

When it comes to complex diseases and traumas, many of the traditional treatment options still rely on older and slower methods of fixing these problems. This is particularly true in major injuries to your body, like brain injury treatment, where slow and steady change is the de facto choice. While this is still an effective method of treating these types of injuries, it’s not the most comfortable thing to have to live through, and it can be particularly frustrating if your expectations are divorced from the reality of that recovery.

One of the things that you can do in these situations is begin to seek out alternative treatment options that can help speed up that recovery. While it will still take a long time, new treatment options like stem cell therapy offer the potential to speed up that recovery process and allow you to see real gains in a smaller period of time.

The most interesting thing about stem cell therapy in particular is the range of different options it allows for treatment. You will see that stem cell therapy is being explored for injuries, as a treatment for Parkinson’s, and much more. This is because of its unique mechanism of action in the body, which allows it to provide benefits to a wide range of different patients and diseases instead of a small subset. If you’re looking to explore stem cell therapy further, then you should visit the website of Stem Cell of America at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more about how this exciting new therapy may help you.

Stem cell therapy offers exciting new options for the treatment stroke

When you or a loved one has suffered a major accident or injury, or had a stroke, one of the most difficult parts about the process is the loss of the ability to do things that need to be done day to day just to survive. These aspects of life that now need to be handled by someone else can put a major strain on families, and they can be extremely frustrating above all else. If you find yourself in the situation where you have been injured or had a stroke, or someone that you love has, and you are looking to find a way to improve your situation, then you might want to take a look at stem cell therapy as a potential option for the treatment stroke and serious injury.

Stem cell therapy today is being explored to help treat a variety of injuries and diseases, and is being actively explored as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, which is an exciting and novel use of stem cell therapy. This wide range of options for treatment is due to the way that stem cells work, by being able to move throughout the body and heal many different cells and tissues, regardless of where they are in the body. After a stem cell treatment, patients can see ongoing improvement over time as stem cells work to heal their body from the inside while boosting their own recovery capabilities. You can learn more about this process and how it might be able to help you by visiting www.stemcellofamerica.com.

You can use stem cell therapy as a possible treatment of lupus and more

While there are many long term treatments for some diseases, the problem with diseases like epilepsy and lupus is that they don’t necessarily have the same level of treatments that offer real results. This can lead to many frustrating situations where you feel like you are doing all that you can to combat a disease, while it continues to get worse. Similarly, some medicines might work, but they make you feel terrible, meaning that you have a trade-off between feeling bad and treating your disease, and finding another option that may not exist.

If you haven’t considered it yet, you might want to think about stem cell therapy for the treatment of lupus. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that is seeing ongoing research for the interesting developments that it has made with a variety of diseases that had once been classified as not having any other options available. Stem cell therapy is being researched to see its ability to serve as an option or those seeking treatments for epilepsy, among other things, and one of the best parts about it is the fact that it doesn’t have a lot of negative side effects. In fact, the procedure only lasts one hour and is completely painless as well.

If you are looking for a great way to explore alternative treatments for your disease, then you should come talk to our team at Stem Cell of America. We can walk you through the therapy and explain some of the benefits for you. Visit our website at www.stemcellofamerica.com to learn more.