Mentally very quick, and his comprehension is awsome - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Patient: Luca
Diagnosis: Down Syndrome
Luca’s mom wrote:
“Luca was born with Down Syndrome. He was a typical Down Syndrome baby both physically and mentally.When he was 7 months old he received his first fetal stem cell treatment. Within 24 hours he was a completely different child. It was as if a light switch was turned on. Fe became very alert and active.Prior to going for the treatment, if you would call his name he would not pay attention. Now he would whip his head around and look directly at you. He also was not even remotely close to sitting and within one week he was sitting independently. His therapist at the time was shocked she said in all the years of doing therapy it was something she had never seen before.His understanding of the world around him began to show remarkable positive changes.Then to my amazement he started to change physically. His tiny ears grew to normal size and position. The flatness of his forehead, nose, and the back of his neck all became rounded. Also his eyes became more parallel.His IQ was tested and it showed above average. To date he is mentally very quick and his comprehention is awsome. He is also speaking with remarkable articulation.All of these qualities makes my heart soar because I was constantly told by doctors that he would never develop normally. Instead we get complemented frequently on how outstanding and “charming” he is. The doctors tell me they have never seen such remarkable changes in a down syndrome child and ask me “what are you doing with Luca to have him doing so well, you must be spending hours a day in therapy?” and I always say “I do not spend hours with him in therapy we do fetal stem cell therapy”.You gave our family hope when all I got from other doctors were negative statements on how Luca would never develop normally. Because of you and stem cells, Luca continues to do wonderfuly. He is the same as his peers socially, physically and mentally.”
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No comparison to this clinic - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

”There is no comparison to other US-based clinics, Stem Cell of America is lead by the best fetal stem cell research team in the world. This is the best way to go about getting this treatment and save lives!”

- Charry G.
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Took his health to a higher level - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Longevity and Anti-Aging: Marty
“I am an extremely healthy, vital sixty-three, almost sixty-four, year old man. My hob-by is ballroom dancing and I have danced on par with men who are decades younger than me for quite some time.
I wanted Fetal Stem Cell therapy because I recognized that Stem Cell of America of-fered me an opportunity to take my good health, and my dancing, to a higher level. I could quite literally start turning back the clock of aging. Nothing is a substitute for a long, healthy, happy life.
Specifically, I’ve noticed the following improvements:
• My near vision has dramatically improved since the treatment. About one month after I received the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I was surprised and delighted to see that I could easily read all numbers of the gauges on the dashboard without peeking around the edges of my glasses. 
• I breathe more easily. I could just tell that my lungs were somewhat impaired and breathing was not as easy as before. About two months after receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I took a deep breath before rising out of bed one morning and was amazed to notice how deeply I could breathe. My lungs had achieved a greater capacity and I was able to inhale a greater volume of air. 
• Improvement in an old football injury that has been with me since high school. One of the joints in my right thumb had been damaged during a scrimmage and has bothered me ever since. Very quickly after receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment, I noticed some improvement, less pain. Around two months post-treatment, I realized that I had not given the injury a thought for days. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been aware of it. It had healed to the point that it was a much smaller part of my consciousness.
• I performed in two dance recitals recently. One took place two and a half months pri-or to receiving the Fetal Stem Cell Treatment and the second took place three months afterwards.
Videos I’ve viewed of both show clearly that I am moving in a much more sound, bal-anced fashion in the second performance, even though I had much less opportunity to practice with my partner due to her pregnancy. I now feel that I have a new lease on life. I now see the possibility of getting older without the limitations we call “the aging process”.
I highly recommend Fetal Stem Cell Treatments to all as a way to experience life with more ease and energy, and for a much longer period of time.”
- Marty
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“We will always be in your debt” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Alzheimer’s Patient: Srila
- Srila’s student wrote:
“It is with an overwhelming desire to thank you for the miracle you’ve brought into my life and an untold number of others by treating our Guru Srila Narayan Maharaja. He is a renowned Guru who lectures throughout the world, writing hundreds of books to teach promote and broadcast the precepts of Pure Bhakti.
His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja is the most prominent world teacher of Bhakti Yoga, divine spiritual love.
His main mission in life was to share his knowledge. When He started to realize He was developing Alzheimer’s He told us that if he could no longer write and teach, he did not want to stay on this physical plane much longer, and would rather return to the eternal pastimes of our Lord. We all were greatly upset, that we would lose the association of such a saint, and we decided we would do anything in our power to keep him here. That is when we found you.
After your treatment, we were surprised and joyful by the clarity of mind He had. He is writing non-stop, and it seems like His pen never leaves the paper; only to stop to give lectures. He has written 17 books so far and continues to tour around the world for the last many years since your treatment.
We will always be in your debt, and we hope and pray you can continue performing your stem cell “Miracles.”
With much love and appreciation,
Michael Robert Doherty”
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“I am feeling great and looking forward to the future” - STEM CELL OF AMERICA REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS

Spinal Cord Injury Patient: Donny

“The changes in me have been nothing short of amazing.
Here are some of the highlights of my new abilities.
I can roll over from side to side in bed with minimal assistance.
Now I can position myself to a sitting position on the side of the bed without anyone helping me.
I can sit up and do a crunch with minimal assistance.
My arms and mostly my legs are mobile and getting stronger day by day.
For the first time I can ride a stationary bicycle and I am very active on it.
Before the cells because of the state I was in I was only allowed a limited amount of physical therapy. I have exceeded that amount by 3 times already!
I am feeling great and looking forward to the future thanks to you.”
- Donny
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