The brain is among the most complex organs of the human body. It serves as the center of the entire nervous system. That’s why conditions of the brain tend to have sweeping neurological effects on the entire body. Depending on their severity, brain injuries and neurological conditions can have sweepingly detrimental effects on the patient. Unfortunately, brain injuries and neurological conditions are very common, varying from mild to severe, with no foolproof method of treatment currently available.
An Overview
The brain may suffer physical trauma due to a variety of common causes, including a sports-related injury, car accident, or a violent attack. Brain injuries can also result from causes other than blunt physical trauma, such as an insufficient air supply to the brain, stroke, cardiac arrest, and brain hemorrhaging. Because of their relatively weak cranial bones, babies may sometimes require
brain injury treatment at the time of birth.
The Symptoms
The results of brain injuries depend on the severity of the physical trauma and the area that has been affected. Cognitive capabilities, like memory, attention, and concentration may become impaired after suffering a traumatic brain injury. The individual may develop complications with communication or a variety of other physical functions. If the anterior pituitary gland is affected, this can cause adverse impacts on the body's hormones and physiological development. Of all the adverse effects of brain injuries, impaired motor function is probably the most common. Individuals who suffer a traumatic brain injury may have difficulty controlling bladder and bowel movement or regulating their body temperature. Finally, brain injury patients often exhibit subtle emotional and behavioral changes that may become more prominent over time.
Stabilizing the Brain
A traumatic brain injury treatment is dependent around the type and extent from the injury. After someone sustains a traumatic brain injury, the first and foremost priority is to stabilize the brain and the neck, ensure that their airways are not obstructed, and administer CPR, if required. In treating a brain injury, it is critical to arrest any internal bleeding that has occurred and relieve pressure on the brain, if necessary. Those treating brain injuries can determine the severity of the injury based on the patient’s breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, degree of oxygen in the blood, size of the pupils, body temperature, and a variety of other factors.
The Possibility of Recovery
Once the brain has been stabilized, the recovery process can finally begin. This is usually a long and drawn-out process that involves daily physical and speech therapy and regular treatments. Often times, it is impossible to completely recover from traumatic brain injuries, but fortunately progress is possible. Those who suffer a traumatic brain injury should enter a brain injury rehab center, like Stem Cell of America, where they use cutting edge fetal stem cell technology to aid patients in recovering from the devastating and debilitating effects of their injuries.